This subject is available under ICMS postgraduate degrees, please click the button below to find a postgraduate course for you.
Risk management is a universal and invariant process applied to all areas of event management. The formal risk process is essential to control and direct the complexity of events and minimise the uncertainty of the management and its outcomes. The subject applies the ISO 31000 description of risk, developed from the original ANZ risk management standard, to the event environment. It is combined with the International Competency Standard to endure its application to all types of events including local and international events.
Under the broad umbrella of risk management are the areas of finance, safety, security, reputation, legal, ethics and compliance. The operational risk, such as crowd management and security are high as the consequence can be catastrophic. However, the project risk, the risks leading up to the event must be stressed as they too often result in operational risk. The risk management process is embedded in every area of event management over all project phases. Nowadays formal risk management is mandatory for all Government contracts and other event stakeholders, such as sponsors, who demand a risk management plan for any events. The course enables student to produce this plan and implement it.
a) Determine the risk environment and the cultural, social and political origins of risk.
b) Identify the main laws, regulations and local rules related to any event.
c) Apply the risk management standard process to future events.
d) Analyse, research and adapt the lessons learned from past risk assessments and incidents at events.
e) Develop a correct risk register and other document system needed to capture, report and assess risk.
f) Articulate the professional ethics and duty of care.
Learning outcomes for this subject are assessed using a range of assessment tasks as described in the table below.
No | Assessment task | Weighting | Subject learning outcomes to be assessed |
1 | Online Discussion | 25% | b, d, e & f |
2 | Risk Management Plan | 50% | a, b, c, e & f |
3 | Group presentation: Disaster Scenario Analysis | 25% | b, c & d |