Studying a degree is a big commitment in many ways, not least financially. You will need to consider tuition fees, living costs and other expenses such as transport, textbooks, food and accommodation.
The main expense will be tuition fees.
Use our Fee Calculator to find the fees that apply to you.
What to Pay (Tuition Fees)
New students
The Letter of Offer advises students of the fees payable. Accompanying the Letter of Offer/Acceptance is an enrolment package, outlining all the relevant information for new students. Students must read the enrolment package and complete and return all documents, within the specified timeframe, to the institution.
Continuing students
Tuition fee pro forma invoices for the following term are emailed to current students on Friday of Week 8 in each term. The pro forma invoice will stipulate the course fees and the payment due date, which is two weeks prior to the term commencement. Fees must be received by the close of business on this date (refer to Failure to Pay below).
FEE-HELP from Aus Govt (Domestic Students)
High Academic Places (Domestic Students)
Centrelink Support (Domestic Students)
Family Concession
Paying Accommodation Fees
When to Pay
How to Pay
Failure to Pay
Refund Policies
Terms and Conditions of Enrolment