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Advanced Property Analysis

This subject is available within certain ICMS undergraduate degrees. Please click the button below to find an undergraduate course for you.

Subject Code:


Credit Points:


Subject Type:

Core subject for property students only and elective for students completing other programs



Subject Aim:

Property market analysis plays an increasingly important role in our society in which identification and analysis of property indicators enables better decision making. Using various statistical tools students will embark on data collection and analysis in the property market. To better help represent data, map themes, identify market trends and complete a site analysis, students will also be introduced to a Geographic Spatial Analysis program. Spatial analysis is widely used in the valuation, management and development of property. Once created the map lends itself to manipulation to visually see impact of changes in inputs if they were to occur and thereby try to solve challenging problems.

Along the way students will also further develop their knowledge of land economics and property market structures and the role of property in the global economic system.

The knowledge and skills acquired in this subject will allow the student to demonstrate innovative problem-solving capability and technological literacy.

Learning Outcomes:

a) Analyse global property market cycles and, impact on supply and demand in determination of rents and prices.

b) Critically evaluate how governments impact housing markets at both macro policy and micro policy levels and thus the health of the property sector.

c) Apply statistical analysis to examine, test and appraise property markets based on data to be collected

d) Utilise GIS based mapping software to map a range of property data.

e) Interpret the spatial maps created using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to determine and predict trends and solve problems

Student Assessment:

WordPress Table

A supplementary assessment is available in this subject.