This subject provides you with the skills and knowledge at an introductory level that are required to manage front office and housekeeping departments in hospitality operations.
Exams will take place in weeks 12 & 13. Please refer to the official Exam Timetable for further information.
You are required to prepare for assessments by following the assesment outlines on Moodle, reading the subject matter in course notes, handouts and readings.
You will be required to demonstrate an ability to process a range of hotel reservations, guest arrivals and guest accounting transactions using Front Office computer software.
All three assessments must be attempted to pass this subject.
Note: It is important to remember that it is the quality of your thinking and written presentation of that thought which attracts the highest weighting. Fancy documents and graphics cannot overcome a lack of logical and insightful argument, where both the obvious and not so obvious implications of a situation are considered and then summarised in written form.
No | Type | Weighting | Learning Outcomes |
1 | Individual Assignment | 25.00% | 1,2 |
2 | Individual Assignment | 35.00% | 1,3,5,6 |
3 | Individual Assignment | 40.00% | 4 |