1. Higher Education Leadership, Governance and Policy
The Higher Education Leadership, Governance and Policy scholarship and research cluster is dedicated to advancing quality educational outcomes through interdisciplinary and cross-institutional collaborations and evidence-based policy development. We aim to build strong collaborations with community groups, industry, and other higher education providers to address challenges and leverage opportunities to bolster the success of our shared goals.
Our objectives include developing and advancing frameworks, policies, and guidelines for inclusive, culturally sensitive, and equitable higher education environments. We identify emerging trends and stimulate innovation in educational practice through effective and ethical governance structures to ensure high standards and the integrity of our degrees.
Our impact goals align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly #4 Quality Education, #8 Decent Work and Economic Growth, #10 Reduced Inequalities, #16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, and #17 Partnerships for the Goals. Through our commitment to these goals and objectives, we work towards meeting the needs of diverse our communities and prepare students for a rapidly evolving world.
2. Engagement and Innovation in Learning and Teaching
3. Industry, Sustainability and Transformative Innovation