ICMS trains its students to succeed in their careers in every way possible, one of which includes curating your professional image throughout your time at ICMS. This opportunity to wear professional attire to class can act as a creative outlet for many students and give them the ability to show off their uniqueness and personal style.
ICMS ensures all students are prepared for their future workforce by encouraging them to dress for the career they aspire to be apart of. As management specialists we deliver and expect high standards of professionalism across our ICMS community. Hence, students are expected to dress in attire that would be worn within a professional setting. The guidelines for professional attire can viewed here.
Not sure what to wear? Browse the ICMS Professional Attire Gallery or search for #icmsattire on Instagram.
What is professional attire?
Professional attire includes:
What is smart casual attire?
What clothing is not deemed as professional attire?
Where can I buy professional attire?
Do I have to wear matching jacket with my pants/skirt?
What colour of clothes can I wear?
What type of shoes can I wear?
Do I have to wear a jacket all the time?
What type of shirt can I wear?
Can I wear jewellery and/or accessories?
Can I have nail polish?
Does my hair have to be tied back?
Do I have to wear my professional attire all the time?