We have been monitoring the global situation regarding the Coronavirus (Covid-19). This is a dynamic situation and our response is being evaluated on a daily basis.
We want to assure our community that any student who is present at College and in classes is meant to be here and will be warmly welcomed. We’re proud of the way our College community has rallied to demonstrate compassion, respect and support to those who have been impacted by these unusual circumstances.
Please read below the ICMS response measures for all students, staff, campus visitors and contractors.
The Australian Government Department of Home Affairs has advised:
If you had been planning to start your studies this term and are unable to travel to Australia at this time, we want to assure you that our admissions and academic teams are working hard to on a study plan for you. We have a number of possible options for you which could include: delayed start date (late enrolment) or a Mid-Term intake (reduced study load).
The Australian Government is permitting all Colleges and Universities to offer flexible solutions to students who are affected by these unusual circumstances. As you will not be permitted to attend any campus or accommodation after leaving mainland China, we will help you to adjust your start date so that you are able to complete the required 14 days of self-isolation before you come to campus.
The table below will explain the support that we have put into place for our students in China or in self-isolation either in Australia or in another country. Individual plans will depend on when students believe they will be able to arrive on campus. Of course, we do not know when the travel ban will be lifted so please continue to keep in contact with our staff who will advise you individual study plans as the situation develops.
If you are already in Australia, let us know how you are feeling and when you arrived in Australia. If you travelled to mainland China after the 1st January 2020 year you’ll have to have completed a 14 day self-isolation period and send us a doctor’s clearance certificate before you can attend campus or accommodation facilities. To ensure you are able to start this term on the scheduled date you must fill out the e-form. Failure to respond may result in you being unable to attend campus until all conditions have been met. We do appreciate your cooperation in these circumstances.
If you have not already done so, please let us know your current circumstances by filling out the e-form now and one of our staff will contact you to discuss your options.
News, Current Students