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Dr Jae Won Kang

Dr Jae Won Kang

Program Manager (Sports and Property)

Senior Lecturer

Senior Academic Team

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 61 426 221 001


PhD. University of New South Wales (UNSW)

M.Ed. University of Sydney (USyd)

M.A. Victoria University (VU)

B.Appl.Sci. RMIT University (RMIT)

Dr Jae Won Kang is on the Senior Academic Team at ICMS. He is Program Manager for the Bachelor of Business (Sports Management) and the Bachelor of Property (Development, Investment and Valuation) and a Senior Lecturer.

Dr Kang provides academic leadership and offers support to faculty and students in the area of learning and teaching related to student outcomes, program delivery and effectiveness. He has strong interpersonal skills to establish and maintain effective working relationships with key culturally and linguistically diverse stakeholders in the Asia-Pacific region. Dr Kang has a proven track record of interdisciplinary research and research funding, and he has experience in supervising research students, scholarly teaching activities and reviewing quality assurance in higher education.


  • Kukkiwon (World Taekwondo Headquarters) 8th Dan Black-belt
  • Institute of Certified Bookkeepers (ICB)
  • Australian Property Institute (API)
  • The Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand (SMMANZ)
  • World Leisure Organization

Vocational Qualifications

  • Advanced Diploma of Leadership & Management
  • Certificate IV in teaching and Assessment
  • Certificate IV in Disability
  • Certificate IV in Real Estate Practice
  • Certificate of Registration Assistant Agent-Real Estate & Stock and Station

Event Responsibilities

Event Coordinator, 2018 & 2019 Business Connect Multicultural Conference and Expo, Parkroyal Hotel, Australia.

Conference Coordinator & Presenter of the 2016 World Diaspora Culture and Sports Conference, May 5-6, Sydney, Australia.

Seminar Coordinator & Presenter of the Diaspora Fantasia 2014, Cosmopolitan Civil Societies Research Centre & the School of Business, University of Technology, Sydney. 2014, June.

Sport Event Coordinator, 1998 Australian University Games.

Publications – Refereed Journals, Books & Conference Proceedings

Kang, J. W., Abdurahman, A., Murray, G. (2024, August 23-24). A person-centred approach for understanding disability sports and marketing campaigns. [Conference Presentation] 2024 Asian Association for Sport Management Conference, Jeju, South Korea.

Kang, J. W., Orekat, F., Clark, T., Ngocha-Chaderopa, E., & Lim. S. (2024, August 23-24). Acculturation challenges and sport education success for young Muslim women in the multicultural Australian context. [Conference Presentation] 2024 Asian Association for Sport Management Conference, Jeju, South Korea.

Kang, J. W., & Beak, E. (2023, July 25-28). Digital marketing as a potential mediator of brand power for sales success in the Australian real estate market. [Conference Presentation] The 2024 AsRES-GCREC & AREUEA International Real Estate Joint Conference, Hsinchu Tsing Hua University, Taiwan.

Kang, J. W. (2024). The essence of missional sports ministering: Biblical narrative. Journal of World Mission (Culture & Sports), Vol. 1, Issue 1 (Special ed.), pp. 48-56.

Kang, J. W. (2024, January 14-17). Enhancing high-performance para-sport in the built environment for wheelchair athletes at Brisbane 2032 Paralympics. [Conference Presentation] The 30th Annual Pacific Rim Real Estate Society Conference, Gold Coast, Australia.

Kang, J. W., McLennan, D., Nicols, J., & Cuccurullo, S. (2024, January 14-17). Our nation, our future – Social and affordable housing planning for all. [Conference Presentation] The 30th Annual Pacific Rim Real Estate Society Conference, Gold Coast, Australia.

Kang, J. W., Murray, G., & Venter, N. (December 11-15). Challenges of sustainable sport events and tourism in developing regional communities. [Conference Presentation] World Leisure Congress, Otago, New Zealand.

Kang, J. W., Evans, F., & Lee, J. (December 11-15). Managing inflation with effective sponsorship ROI strategy on cultural and leisure events. [Conference Presentation] World Leisure Congress, Otago, New Zealand.

Kang, J. W., Clark, T., Beck, K., Mamo, C., & Jay Ellis (December 11-15). Corporate social responsibility principles of moving towards a zero-waste leisure sports facility. [Conference Presentation] World Leisure Congress, Otago, New Zealand.

Kang, J. W., McLennan, D., Mamo, C., Beck, K., Nicols, J., & Vogt, M. (2023, July 13-16). Sustainable design of sport facilities and their impact on valuation and community. [Conference Presentation] 2023 AsRES-GCREC Joint International Real Estate Conference, The China University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Kang, J. W., Clark, T., Beck, K., Mamo, C., & Nicols, J. (2023, July 13-16). Getting serious about diversity and inclusion in sports facility management of the Brisbane 2032. [Conference Presentation] 2023 AsRES-GCREC Joint International Real Estate Conference, The China University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Kang, J. W., Clark, T., & Sleiman, J. (2023, June 7-8). Australian sport gambling industry: The normalisation of the sports betting industry and its effects on adolescents and young adults in Australia. [Conference Presentation] The Fifteenth International Conference on Sport & Society, The University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA.

Kang, J. W., McLennan, D., Nicols, J., & Cuccurullo, S. (2023, January 15 -17). The practice of investment valuation in Australian government funded disability property. [Conference Presentation] 2023 Pacific Rim Real Estate Society (PRRES) Annual Conference, Sydney, Australia.

Kang, J. W., Beck, K., Sleiman, J., & Mamo, C. (2022, Nov 30  – Dec 2). Creating meaningful learning experiences via connecting sport students with technology [Conference presentation]. 2022 Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand (SMAANZ) Annual Conference, Swinburne University, Melbourne, Australia.

Kang, J. W. (2021). Policy direction on the NDIS housing & living supports and services in Australia. Journal of Real Estate Policy, 22(3), 33-66.

Kang, J. W. (2021, December 17). Brisbane, Australia, the winner-challenger 2032 Olympics [Conference presentation]. 2021 International Tourism Forum, Seoul, South Korea.

Jung, B.J., Choi, S. O., Kang, J. W., & Kim, T. H. (2019). Career development and transition of disabled athletes in business: Cases of Korea, Australia, Japan, and US. Seoul: Korean Paralympic Committee.

Kim, Y. R., Kang, J. W., Kim, M. H., Lee, W. Y., Gwak, E. Y., & Lee, K. M. (2019). International cases in high performance based national athletes’ camp management. Seoul: Korean Institute of Sport Science.

Kang, J. W., & Shala, N. (2017, October 8-10). Strategically Reinvesting in refugee communities with a gender lens [Conference presentation]. The 2017 Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia’s bi-annual conference Celebrate. Reflect. Advance: Challenges and Possibilities for Multicultural Australia, Darwin, Australia.

Kang, J. W., & Bonny, Lee. (2017). Please tell me I’m the victim! – A study of moral status and the direction of association for Korean remembrance at Cowra. Journal of Diaspora Studies, 21(1), 7-51.

Kang, J. W.., Lim, S., & Bae, M. (2017). The impact of public relations on perception towards the local sport centre image and customer loyalty. The Korean Journal of Sports Science, 26(1), 1-17.

Kang, J. W., Lim, S., & Hwang, B. (2017). The relationships between self-management, confidence, team satisfaction and performance among semi-pro team athletes. The Korean Journal of Sports Science, 26(1), 209-228.

Kang, J. W. (2016). Identity of sport ministry. In J. W. Kang (Ed.), Healing, hope and heaven: Proceedings of World Diaspora Culture and Sports Conference 2016 (p. 29). Seoul: Korea. [ISBN 979-11-5811-999-6].

Kang, J. W., Choi, S. B., & Lim, S. (2016). The relationship among perfectionism, performance strategy and emotion change in elite youth tennis players. Journal of World Society of Taekwondo Culture, 13, 49-67.

Kang, J. W. (2015). An analysis of facility management of Sydney Olympic park with non-existent legends and its policy implication. Academic Association of Global Cultural Contents, 18, 1-23.

Kang, J. W., & Lim, S. (2015). The relationship of demographic characteristics, service quality and customer satisfaction among recreational golfers. The Korean Journal of Management 24(5), 981-998.

Kang, J. W., Lim, S., & No. Y. (2015). The relationship between characteristics, mentoring perception, satisfaction and performance. The Journal of Korean Alliance of Martial Arts, 17(2), 101-119.

Kang, J. W., Lim, S., & Lim, W. N. (2015). The relationship between participation characteristics, motivation and exercise addiction. The Korean Journal of Sports Science, 24(1), 455-470.

Kang, J. W., Lim, S., & Seo, M. J. (2015). The relationship between leadership and performance satisfaction among young fencing players. The Korean Journal of Sports Science, 24(1), 185-201.

Kang, J. W. (2014). An understanding of Christian missions to Aboriginal people and the role of Korean ethnic Churches in Australia. Theology and Praxis, 38, pp. 612-640.

Lim, S., & Kang, J. W. (2014). A study of obesity, body image satisfaction and social physique anxiety of middle-aged women. The Korean Journal of Science, 23(4), pp. 38-54.

Kang, J. W., Lim, S., & Song, S. (2014). The effect of golfer’s characteristics on buying behaviour: Focused on demographic and situational characteristics. Journal of Tourism and Leisure Research, 26(4), pp. 285-304.

Kang, J. W. (2014). Modern acceptance and suggestion of traditional Aboriginal culture in Australia. Academic Association of Global Cultural Contents, 14, 41-60.

Kang, J. W. (2014). Perceived discrimination as a predictor of the acculturation process to the mainstream cultural context: the mediating role of peer social support of mainstream group members. Journal of Social Science Research, 22(1), pp. 4-21.

Kang, J. W., Lim, S., & Lim, W. (2014). Relationship between participation characteristics, motivation and exercise addiction among health club participants: Moderating effect of exercise flow. Korean Journal of Leisure, Tourism and Recreation, 38(3), pp. 23-36.

Kang, J. W., & Lim, S. (2014). A study of gender differences in consumer behaviour: The role of expectancy value in the relationship between service quality and consumer’s purchase intention. The Korean Journal of Sports Science, 23(6), 327-340.

Kang, J. W. (2013). Australian Aboriginal history and cultural heritage as national identity and its problems toward extension of Aboriginal values. Journal of History and Culture, 46, 193-225.

Kang, J. W. (2013). Value and prospect of taekwondo as ethno-cultural content in a multicultural context. Academic Association of Global Cultural Contents, 10, 71-105.

Kim, Y. R., Yoo, T. H., Shin, S. Y., Kwon, S. Y., & Kang, J. W. (2013). Career education for national representative athletes. Seoul: Korea Institute of Sport Science.

Kang, J. W., & Kim, Y. R. (2013). A review of elite athlete career and education program in Korea. Korean Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 18(1), 263-284.

Kang, J. W. (2013). The biblical principle of sports ministry and strategy. Theology and Mission, 42, 175-213.

Kang, J. W. (2012). The relationship between acculturation and ethnically-based sporting culture among the 1.5-2nd generation Korean-Australian children. Association for the Studies of Koreans Abroad, 27, 7-59.

Kang, J. W. (2011). Influence of acculturation, social support and perceived constraints on level of sport participation. The International Journal of Sport and Society, 2, 65-74.

Kang, J. W. (2011). Perceived constraints on sport participation among young Koreans in Australia. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 7(77), 775-781.

Kang, J. W. (2011, June 24-28). Perceived constraints on heal promotion and community participation [Conference presentation]. The VII International Conference on Physical Education and Sport Science, Paris, France.

Kang, J. W. (2010). Towards an effective network structure of overseas Korean taekwondo leaders. Journal of Korean Society for the Sociology of Sport, 23(1), 1-26.

Kang, J. W. (2010). Young Koreans and taekwondo in Australia. In C. Song (Ed.)., Korean studies in shift: Proceedings of the 10th Biennial Pacific-Asia Conference on Korean Studies 2010 (pp. 97-122). Auckland: School of Asian Studies & New Zealand Asia Institute, University of Auckland.

Kang, J. W. (2010, August 28-September 2). Acculturation and social inclusion among young Koreans in Australia [Conference presentation]. The 11th World Leisure Congress, ChunCheon, Korea.